Metrics are automatically created and kept in-memory by Datagen web-server.
As mentionned in previous section, an API: /metrics/all allows you to get all current metrics about data generation:
- The total number of rows generated
- the total number of generation made
Foreach service:
- The number of rows generated
- The number of files generated (only for Ozone, HDFS & local)
This API call renders a raw JSON file with all metrics in base path and with values as numeric (no null, default is 0).
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Agent is gathering for us emtrics automatically from this API and feeds them into Cloudera Manager database.
Hence, in Cloudera Manager, go to Charts > Chart Builder and you can try following query:
SELECT datagen_hbase_rows, datagen_hdfs_avro_rows, datagen_hdfs_csv_rows, datagen_hdfs_json_rows, datagen_hdfs_orc_rows, datagen_hdfs_parquet_rows, datagen_ozone_avro_rows, datagen_ozone_csv_rows, datagen_ozone_json_rows, datagen_ozone_orc_rows, datagen_ozone_parquet_rows, datagen_hive_rows, datagen_kudu_rows, datagen_kafka_rows, datagen_solr_rows, datagen_local_avro_rows, datagen_local_csv_rows, datagen_local_json_rows, datagen_local_orc_rows, datagen_local_parquet_rows
Output will be this chart (for us):